13 Cute & Funny Dentist Office Wallpaper Ideas

13 Cute & Funny Dentist Office Wallpaper Ideas

13 Dentist Office Wallpaper Ideas

Give your dental office space a makeover with some fun or cute dentist wallpaper. Your visitors and patients spend so much time sitting in that dreaded chair, why not make it fun for them? If you want to turn your office from drab to exciting, check out a few of these wallpaper and wall mural ideas to change your office environment into something more positive.

If you have several younger patients that come into your office, consider adding specific child-friendly rooms. Get some fun chairs and decorate your walls appropriately! This bunny rabbit wall mural idea would be great. A pattern or print like this can give your young patients peace of mind while they're getting their teeth cleaned.

multicolored cartoon bunny wallpaper

If you want something to serve as a visual reminder to your patients that you're all about giving them the perfect smile, install a removable mural of a patient wearing braces. You could have it cover the whole wall (make it a collage!), or make it smaller like a simple photograph on the wall.

Another idea for your dental wallpaper or wall mural is to install photos or murals of specific tasks done throughout the office, like checking x-rays or cleaning teeth or more. Photos like these can bring in color to an otherwise boring space. Especially for children, giving them more familiarity with what you do can make them feel less afraid of the dentist.

technician holding up a dental x-ray to the bright x-ray viewer

Or go for something up close to show your visitors that the tools you use aren't all that scary. You can even personalize a wall mural like this by adding your practice's name or the names of the dentists to the image. This is a clean and simple design that could be easily removed and reinstalled if you ever expand your space.

Here's a funny dentist wallpaper design. Give your patients something fun and exciting to enjoy while they have their teeth cleaned and flossed. Brightly colored cute dentist wallpaper like this to turn the place into a cheery and happy space. Sometimes people think that the dentist's office is scary, but with fun wallpaper like this in your dental office, you can show your patients that it doesn't have to be!

If you want something for a kid's dentist office or space in the dentist's office, try a wallpaper like this one below. It's the perfect design to highlight the fun nature of children's play. This kind of wallpaper isn't overwhelming or too busy so that it can be used on all four walls of a room or just as an accent wall in the front office. A cute dentist wallpaper like this will give anyone who walks into the office a sense of joy.

One of the great things about removable wallpaper is that they are easy to install and then take down quickly, great if you like to decorate for each holiday. Pick something cute and quaint for Halloween like this pumpkin wall mural. You can install this mural in just four steps, and take down even quicker. You can install a mural for Halloween in the reception area, then take it down on November 1st and put something up for Thanksgiving, and so forth. If you want to reuse the Halloween mural, you need to stick the wall mural back onto the original backing paper it was shipped on. Roll it up and store it in a cool, dry place, and you're set for next year!

Like the Halloween mural, you can switch out your reusable wallpaper with something for Christmas. Use a mural like this one below, where you can personalize it to say "Merry Christmas from everyone at . . ." letting each patient know that you care about them.

Another great dentist wall mural idea is to find something that highlights the importance of health and wellness for teeth. Show an image of the right kinds of food to eat to keep your body healthy, or show an image that lets your patients know how important it is to keep their teeth healthy and strong.

For a cute dentist wallpaper, put up photos of kids and adults brushing their teeth to remind patients about how important it is to keep those pearly whites clean. This kind of approach is great because it reminds you that your patients are human and reminds your patients that taking care of their teeth can be fun.

girl brushing her teeth

Another office decoration idea is to put up a photo or wall mural of a smiling family. It's a beautiful reminder that you care about not just the teeth but the entire family. Patients want to know that you hear their concerns and know what they need and expect from you. Highlighting the whole family is a good way to help your patients know that you're a full family practice.

happy family

For this last dentist's office mural idea, you could put a large accent wall mural of a close up of a tooth, like this one below. This can help any visitors know just exactly what kind of office they are walking into the moment they come in the door.

girl holding side of face in pain

For this last dentist's office wall mural idea, you could put a large accent wall mural of a close up of a tooth, like this one below. This can help any visitors know just exactly what kind of office they are walking into the moment they come in the door.

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